Saturday, September 11, 2021

Would you rather be a space astronaut or a deep sea diver?

Malo e lelei Bloggers!,

I would rather be a deep sea diver because i can explore all the deep parts of the ocean. I could also see many sea creatures that nobody has discovered yet. Where I would explore in the ocean is the mariana trench, the mariana trench is the deepest part of the ocean, and I would take pictures of all the sea creatures I see.

I would also visit to see the deepest shipwreck which was in October 25th 1944, the ship was named the USS Johnston it was used in WWll.

I might also reach the bottom of the ocean! There is also a spot called the twilight zone, in that zone its where there's pitch black and its also where the scariest creatures live, like the lantern fish, rattalk fish, hatchet fish, viperfish, and mid-water jellyfish

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sarah Hirini

 Hi Bloggers,

This week Paterson class has been looking at the Tokyo 2020 olympics. We have been looking at some NZ athletes, I have been looking at Sarah Hirini. I found some information about her during the Olympics, like what sport she plays and more.

           Sarah Hirini

  • Sarah Hirini plays for NZ womens rugby union.    
  • She has a total of 1 olympic medal which is a gold medal.
  • She has played 200 matches in the world.

  • She has shown resilience by trying her best and getting back up when she's injured.

  • She has shown excellence by supporting the other team when they score a try.

  • She's shown respect by respecting the NZ flag and showing that she's proud to play for NZ.

  • She has shown friendship by being a supportive friend to her teammates and keeps cheering them on even if they lose or win.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Our Tokyo Olympics Trip

Konichiwa Bloggers,

Today Paterson class went to visit a NZ Olympian (Debbie Tanner) . We were asking her questions like how she felt well doing the sport she was doing was Running, Swimming and Cycling which was called Triathlon, and another question was how much NZ Olympians went to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, 

and she said 211 NZ athletes went. When we finished asking the questions she said for us to go to the left side of the room, because there was also another school there to. 

When we got to the other side of the room the first thing or mini game I went to was trying to balance on a beam with springs under them, down below is a picture of me doing and I succeeded! to make it across the beam. That was my Favourite game to do!.

What I enjoyed was standing on the podium with a bow like an bow and arrow but there was no arrow. I was always standing on the 2nd place podium because people would be fighting on the 1st podium,

 and no one was on the 3rd podium and the 2nd podium, so I decided to go on the 2nd podium. When people left the 1st podium and it was empty I'd go on the podium and aim at the wall. 

Something I learnt was:

  •  That some NZ athletes have a balanced diet (like eating weetbix)
  • The values: Excellence,Respect and Friendship
  • That when you come last someone has to come last and you learn from them and do better next time.
  • Debbie Tanner has completed and earned 20 of silver medals and has won 1st many times.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Term 2 Reflection!

Sawadee ka Bloggers!,

Today I was doing term 2 reflection here´s my work I did! It took me a while to figure out what I found that was a bit challenging and what I liked, but I did!.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Ready.. Set.. Bike training!

Bueno dias Blogger!

Today some of paterson class has been learning how to ride bikes with a lady Loni and the rest of the class has been with a man jason.

We have been doing races like the Turtle race and the direction race. At the start we were doing warm ups and the warm up was just seeing if we could ride a bike and checking if everyone has there steady.

What I learnt is how to ride with no hands and what that was, was hand directions on a bike. So if the hand signals were, right hand was  to show that you were indicating to the and, your left hand was to show that you were indicating to the left and the last one was top, that signal was putting your hand up but not to up just half way

What I enjoyed was standing up and riding the bike it was the easiest because I had my steady and I could ride it and I wouldn't  crash into anything.

For tomorrows session I feel ok because I kept crashing into the either because someone was next to me or my foot would hit the tire and the other reason is because I would have my steady and I was able to control the bike I was riding.

Loni & Jason

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Wonder Project

Fakaalofa lahi atu Bloggers!,

In the senior school we've been learning about rockets. We have been making rockets out of plastic bottles it good for recycling we were also working with a scientist Colm, hes apart of the wonder project. We used and made:

  • Fins (Cardboard)
  • Parachutes ( Cloths)
  • Nose cone
  • designs

We were also learning about the 4 main forces (Thrust, drag,weight and lift). 

Safety rules

  • High vis vest
  • Safety glasses
  • Don't launch the rocket when raining or windy
  • Don't go over 60 psi 

We learnt that if there's more water then it might fail (won't go high or far)

My favourite part of the wonder project is launching our rocket we've been working hard to make these rockets and we did our final test flight and we've recorded our flight here it is!

Friday, June 25, 2021

Waka description

Talofa lava, Bloggers

For the last few weeks paterson class has been learning about wayfinding navigation and waka. Yesterday I was making a Waka Hourua. Here's what it looks like.

One of the features of my waka hourua is a small round hut, it's a small storage and equipment room. For my hulls, they are going to be triangular. My sails are made out of flax (or in other words harakeke te reo maori). My wood is made out of totara wood. I chose it because it's sturdy and doesn't grow mold on it.

My job is to be a Cook chef, it means that I teach the crew how to cook.

Thankyou, for reading!